Six schools from six countries decided to cooperate on an Erasmus+ project:
Agrupamento Escolas A La e a Neve from Portugal, CEIP AMPRA from Spain, Osnovna Skola Stjepan Radic from Croatia, Scoala Gimnaziala Nr 16 Take Ionescu from Romania, 107 Primary School "Khan Krum" from Bulgaria and 1st Primary School of Efkarpia-Thessaloniki from Greece.
The aim of this program is to raise awareness among primary school pupils, especially those aged 6-12, on healthy eating habits, physical exercise and, more generally, the implementation of healthy attitudes in everyday life, through conscious choices that the students will make, , as we will guide them step by step from the cognitive part of the diet, new attitudes and the establishment of healthy attitudes. The last one is also a demand since children sometimes know what they have to do, but they do the opposite.
In this endeavor we will need the help of parents, so that the effort of healthy eating continues at home, as well as the food that the students bring from their home to school to be in the same spirit. Eating breakfast with children, cooking together, or other such activities in the school help in this direction.